Christian McCaffrey defends Cam Newton from detractors says people dont know what hes going through

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with , that much is abundantly clear Martin St Louis Jersey . During his game against the on Monday, he threw a total of one pa s more than 15 yards downfield. This has been a persistent theme all the way through the ' six-game losing streak that started with a rout at the hands of the , and now it appears that Newton is being shut down.Panthers Mitchell Stephens Men Jersey running back , however, has some words for those still doubting Newton's resilience on the field."I hate to see all the negative stuff going his way," . "Because if people really knew what he was going through, they'd bite their tongue a little bit. He's Dominik Masin Men Jersey been a true champion, to push through what he's pushed through and also know when to give it to Anton Stralman Women Jersey the next guy." More NFL Six games ago, it looked the Panthers' last two games against the Saints would be an epic clash for the NFC South throne, but ever since the 52-21 thumping at the hands of the Steelers, Vincent Lecavalier Jersey nothing's been right in Carolina. A lack of offensive weapons hasn't helped matters, with McCaffrey being forced to be on the field for nearly every snap.During the past six games, Newton is averaging about 250 yards per game pa sing and 24 yards rushing. That's a hit from his 43 yards per game on the ground, but the real thing mi sing is the threat of the run. Newton may be out the rest of the year, but it's Lightning Blank Jersey probably for the best, and the latter Andrej Sustr Men Jersey part of what McCaffrey said is the operative part. Newton simply had to give the reigns to . The Panthers still have an outside shot at a playoff berth, but now getting Newton right has to be the priority.
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